After a stop that has last since 2006, Maghdouche scouts - group N.D. of Maghdouche are starting from scratch.
yesterday February the 6th. 2010, the first formation part ended with an engagement ceremony (Riham al Hayek, Rita Constantine and Danielle Barrack) Some members have been engaged since 2004 and 2005.
"We will be meeting every saturday at 11:00 am till 1:00 pm at Notre-Dame School in Maghdouche" said to us Wadih Constantine, the leader of the group, and when we asked about the plans for the future he said: "... the plans are to make this group grow faster.. the second step will be in 2 weeks. We will start by forming older children to be responsible of the youngest. Later, they will be divided into 4 units or groups".
We ,in Dignity, wish the scouts of Maghdouche all the best of luck and we support their brave step that is really needed in Maghdouche, on the hope that we will be able to collaborate together in the future.
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