
From Gubransdalen to Maghdouche

The weaving tradition is almost disappearing from Lebanon...
Except from few weavers in "Zouk Michael", "Aarsal" and "Fekhe", machines have replaced an old tradition that Lebanon had since the phoenicians times... Will our "Dignity" project be able to revive such an old heritage? Can Maghdouche save hand weaving from extinction ?
Eight "Grinnvev" looms were offered to our project by some kind norwegian people. We will bring them with us to Maghdouche when we head there.

"Grinnvev" loom is an old norwegian loom that is easy to use and to transport, very similar to the bedouin loom. It will be exciting to see how our Lebanese patterns will look when made on "Grinnvev".
På norsk i kortversjon:
Veving er nesten forsvunnet i Libanon. Vi skal gjøre vårt for å skape interesse for det igjen. Åtte grindvever er gitt til oss for bruk i prosjektet, noe vi er veldig taknemmelig for. Grindvev er en gammel norsk vev og ligner på beduinenes vever. Det skal bli spennende å se hvordan libanesiske mønstre vil bli.

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