
Course #2 - Patchwork and Quilting - Kurs i lappeteknikk

Recycling has a big part in our "Dignity" project. We wish we were able to recycle anything and everything, but at the beginning we start with textiles, on the hope of being able to spread our activities in the future: " Dream big but start small !"
Gjenvinning er en stor del av vårt "Dignity"prosjekt. Vi skulle ønske at vi kunne resirkulere alt, men til å begynne med velger vi tekstil, og vi håper å kunne utvikle dette videre. "Drøm stort, men start i det små"

In this direction, we announce our second course.

Course Title: "Patchwork for Beginners..."
Participants Age: -----Over 15 years------
Pre-requirements: Colour Theory Course
Date: January 2009 (date and time will be decided during the colour theory course)

For registration , contact Georgette Hayek - Maghdouche
For more information about the course, send us an email.

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